Alex Beigelman ‘18
Israel is the most developed, socially-open and only democratic country in the Middle East. In the international community – the United Nations, specifically – however, Israel is not treated fairly and not given praise for their work in furthering modern, liberal ideals. Throughout history, there have been over 75 UN resolutions condemning Israel. It is remarkable that a democracy that prides itself on being fair and accepting can receive these condemnations while closed, brutal regimes like those in China, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Uganda, Zimbabwe and other countries which have committed genocide, enslaved people, begun horrific wars, instigated instability and other violations of international law have received none.
Kim Robins ‘17
The hottest topic in global politics last summer was the deal reached between Iran and five global powers, including the United States. The Iran Deal, as it is known in the public sphere, requires that Iran curb aspects of its nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief and removal of other provisions that bar Iran’s access to weapons and trade. Aryeh Lande ‘18
This year, The Flame has explored a variety of approaches within the Jewish community to the topic of Israel. Through our “Spotlight on Israel” section, we have learned about Israel through the eyes of Ilana Rossoff and her work with left wing organizations. Additionally, we have heard the story of Aviela Deitch, her attachment to the land of Israel and the lifestyle of settlers on land that draws international attention. In this issue, we will understand Israel through a new perspective: the eyes of a non-Jew. |