Boaz Fox ‘23
In order to combat record-breaking COVID-19 daily cases, healthcare workers and federal agencies are working to distribute as many vaccines as possible. The past months have been among the worst in the COVID-19 pandemic. On Jan. 8, the United States recorded the highest number of deaths from COVID-19 ever, with over 4,000 people dead in one day.
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Rachel Max ‘24
As America’s confirmed COVID-19 cases are breaking record highs, while vaccines have just started to become available on a wider scale. It is believed that the vaccine will make the virus more manageable by allowing most of the population to develop immunity. As of the writing of this article, the winter holidays have just passed and the numbers are spiking. This is likely related to the 85 million people who traveled for Christmas, which is only 29% less than the number of those who traveled last year, and the 50 million people who, just weeks before, traveled for Thanksgiving. Medical professionals anticipated both holidays would result in spikes, and they were proven right. By Mimi Lebeau ‘24
Over the past few years, and especially during the pandemic, the number of antisemitic attacks in America has been rapidly growing all around the world, ranging from microaggressions to mass killings. In 2020, antisemitic crimes hit an all-time high, reaching over 2,000 attacks in America alone. There are numerous possibilities to which the spike in hate crimes towards the Jewish community can be traced. Boaz Fox ‘23
On Jan. 6, pro-Trump rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to overturn the election, leading to five deaths. “We’re going to walk down… to the Capitol,” President Trump told the crowd. “We fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.” Before the riot, former President Donald Trump spoke to thousands in Washington D.C., calling for former Vice President Mike Pence to stop certification of electoral college ballots. By Daniel Shapiro ‘23
The climate crisis is currently one of the largest threats to the globe that humanity has ever faced, and government action is required. However, that action need not only be at the national or state level. The local governments of towns and cities can act on this dire issue immediately. Amidst the threat that climate change poses today, the Flame interviewed Susan McCartney, West Orange liaison to the Environmental Commission. She spoke about what the town of West Orange has been doing to combat this grave threat. Sam Zaslow-Braverman’23
On Jan. 6, after a tense and disconcerting insurrection at the Capitol Building, Joe Biden was officially certified as the president-elect, and succeeded former President Donald Trump on Jan. 20. With the arrival of every new president comes a cabinet: a set of public servants working to support both the commander-in-chief and Congress. New cabinets are often subject to both praise and controversy, and Biden’s is no exception. |